Agriculture Programs
Agriculture Programs
Perry County Conservation District participates in several programs that promote the wise use and conservation of Perry County's soil, water, and woodland resources on agricultural operations.
Through the Chesapeake Bay Program, the Perry County Conservation District has various programs to help improve the water quality in the County including technical assistance, REAP verification and application assistance, and agricultural initial inspections.
The following programs are offered through the Perry County Conservation District (PCCD), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Farm Service Agency (FSA) offices in New Bloomfield, PA. Technical assistance is available for all projects.
An Agricultural Conservation Easement is a binding agreement between a landowner and the County of Perry, or the County of Perry and The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and/or the United States Department of Agriculture.
Every farm operation in Pennsylvania that land applies manure or agricultural process wastewater...
In 2005, the Perry County Conservation District hired one additional staff person to administer a no-till drill rental program as part of the Chesapeake Bay Program.
Implementation of practices that permit efficient crop production while protecting water quality from nutrient pollution.