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About Us

About Us

WE ARE……The Perry Conservation District.  The District is a subdivision of state government and authorized under Act 217 with the mission to provide leadership and assistance with local natural resources conservation and management.

The Perry Conservation District is closely aligned with County Government.  The Board of Directors is appointed by the County Commissioners and staff is County employees.  Funding is provided primarily through the County, the State Conservation Commission, Dept. of Environmental Protection, Department of Community and Economic Development , the Dept. of Agriculture and other various Grants and Fees.

Governed by a seven-member board of volunteer directors, the District meets monthly to plan and direct local conservation activities.  To accomplish their goals and objectives, the board relies on staff and cooperating agencies such as the USDA Farm Service Agency, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Penn State Cooperative Extension Service, PA Game Commission, PA Fish and Boat Commission,  PA Bureau of Forestry, among others.

Perry Conservation District Board Members:

  • Mike Clark, Chairman, Public Director
  • Marsha Snyder, Vice Chairman, Farmer Director
  • Larry Gildner, Treasurer, Public Director
  • Bill Lyons, Commissioner Director
  • Dave McLaughlin, Associate Director
  • Jay Elsessor, Associate Director
  • Ken Martz, Farmer Director
  • Lloyd Byers, Farmer Director
  • William Shilling, Associate Director
  • Shawna Swartz, Associate Director
  • Grant Finkenbinder, Associate Director
  • Scott Flanders, Public Director

Board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm in New Bloomfield at the Penn State Cooperative Extension meeting room. Meetings are subject to cancelations, please call to verify. (#717-582-8988 ext. 4)

How to Find Us

How to find the Perry County Conservation District Offices.

Board of Directors

Location and driving instructions to Conservation District Board Meetings.


Perry County Conservation District Staff Listing and Contact Information